Release Planned Orders

#1 Release Planned Orders


The Release Planned Orders window opens through the following path Planning -> MPS -> Planned Orders -> Release Planned Orders and involves the creation of:

- Purchase Requests, possibly already authorized through a specific parameters, as regards the purchase planned orders

- Subcontractor Orders, in case of subcontractor planned orders, or in case that in a phases list of a production planned order there is an external phase

- Production Orders, launched or executive according to the special parameter activation, in case of production planned orders

The orders release involves the orders invisibility among planned orders and no possibility to perform a new production job order scheduling from which planned orders had been possibly generated through general scheduling. The planned orders that are into the grid and that have been manually generated or through MPR elaboration, don’t have connection with the production job orders.

The window consists of 3 different tabs: Filter, Parameters and Restore.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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